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PANS Community Center, Maliyon ka Mohalla,
Village Ramsar Palawala Thesil Bassi,Jaipur 303012

+91 9116 498 949

The main goal of the project is promotion of farming communities’ women empowerment through gender mainstreaming. This will be done through promotion of women participation through capacity building and skills trainings. This is done by conducting a one year long skills, entrepreneurship trainings and formal education which will equip them with the necessary skills and experience to manage their own businesses. The project will empower them to be able to position themselves in strategic decision making processes that take place at varying levels in social, economic and political issues of the region and country as large.

However, other objectives of the project shall include the following:-

  • To identify the role of women in the farming communities.
  • To identify the potential of women in empowering farming Communities.
  • To motivate women to attain basic formal education.
  • To identify and deliver skill training which can be adopted as a vocation for increasing income of households.
  • To Increase the financial abilities of rural women to enable them purchase food for their families, Educate their children (girl child focus), Afford better health, clothing and shelter for their children and Reduce poverty and attain improved standards of living.
  • Advance gender equality, equity and the empowerment of women, ensuring elimination of all kinds of violence against women and children through Full participation in social, economic and political spectra at all levels and bringing women into the main stream of development.
  • To evaluate the impact of the project on the children’s education of the beneficiaries.